"We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives."
– John F. Kennedy
Family of Guides Workshop
Connect with your guides from the past and they will lead you on your way.
There are people who come into our lives and say or do something that makes a difference for us. Their words, kindness, insights, and support touch us in ways that enhance our lives. They are people who look at us in a real, deep way and see our essence.
These guides support us on our path. As time goes by, we often forget about them and the difference they made.
In this workshop, you will energetically reconnect with people from the past who made a difference for you and feel their presence and support in your daily life.
Join us to bring a renewed sense of hope, gratitude, love, joy, and connection into your life.
Stay tuned for the next workshop date!
For more information, please contact Karen.